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April 9th, 2019 created


Abu Ali ibn Sino (980-1037)

Ibn Sina is an encyclopedic scholar who was highly respected at the Ma'mun Academy, made a worthy contribution to the development of world science, and was honored in the East with the title of "Shaykh-ur Rais" ("Teacher of the Wise"). His full name was Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Abdullah al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sina, and he was called "Avicenna" in Europe. He was a naturalist, physician, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, physicist, logician, musicologist, jurist, literary critic, writer and poet. He was born in 980 in the village of Afshona in Bukhara. His father, Abdullah, was originally from Balkh and served in the Samanid court. Ibn Sina first studied mathematics, philosophy, medicine, logic, and law with private teachers in Bukhara, such as Abu Abdullah Notili, Ismail Zahid, and Abu Mansur Qamari. Then he was educated in a madrasah and at the age of 17 he became famous as a well-known scientist and doctor. With his unique ability and sharp intellect, he studied Arabic, Persian and Greek, read rare manuscripts in the palace library of the Emir of Bukhara Noah ibn Mansur, studied the works of Aristotle, Euclid, Ptolemy, Galen, Hippocrates, Pythagoras and others. At the same time, Ibn Sina met Beruni by letter, became acquainted with his and other scientists' works, and held debates and discussions on physics, astronomy, mechanics, and other issues.